LaHo-Chi Certification Program

Become totally empty. Quiet the restlessness of the mind. Only then will you witness everything unfolding from emptiness. ~ Lao Tzu

LaHo-Chi Certification is required before a practitioner can charge for LaHo-Chi Sessions and before they can advertise that they are a practitioner of LaHo-Chi.

The LaHo-Chi Certification Program was designed to hold the integrity of the work and to ensure that each practitioner has a thorough understanding of the LaHo-Chi and how it works and is utilized in the body and energy fields and that each practitioner has enough supervision and experience for them to demonstrate competence and confidence in their abilities, tools  and technique.


(The following requirements 2-5 may be done in any order.)

  1. Complete the LaHo-Chi Level I Foundation Training.
  1. Complete 12 free 75-minute individual foundation sessions with an evaluation form for each session.
    *(All session paperwork must be turned in for certification.)
  • The maximum number of sessions per week is 2 with at least 3 days apart between sessions.
  • All 12 sessions must be completed within a 6-month period from the time of this training.
  • An additional 2 sessions per month are required for anyone not complete within the 6-month time period.
  • When completing your 12 sessions you will need a minimum of 10 different people, 2 of which may receive a session twice.
  • All sessions will be done using the standard hand positions.
  • For the fifth hand position, half out of the 12 sessions will be done using the Heart position and half will be done using the Angel Light Healing.
  • Two of the 12 sessions must be absentee/remote healing sessions.
  • All foundation sessions are to be completed in an individual setting. Group healing sessions and sessions during trainings are not counted as part of your 12 foundation sessions for certification.

**We strongly suggest that you make copies of your sessions and keep them in a file separate from originals! Binders are a good way to store and protect your session notes and evaluation paperwork.

  1. Complete 8 self-healing foundation sessions of 60 minutes each
    and an evaluation form for each.
  • Write self-healing at the top of the evaluation form.
  • During your 8 self-healing sessions, you may use any position or positions that you feel guided to use at that time.
  1. Receive 8 individual sessions of 75 minutes each and
    complete an evaluation form for each
  • You or the giver can fill out the form, as you would after a regular individual session. (Bring the evaluation form with you to the session.)
  • The maximum number of sessions is 2 per week.
  • The 8 sessions are to be completed as follows (in any order):

(a) Minimum of 3 sessions from a Certified LaHo-Chi Practitioner;

(b) Remaining 5 may be from trainees or practitioners;

(c) Of the remaining 5, 2 may be received by absentee/remote.

  1. Complete the LaHo-Chi Level II Integration Training
  1. Assist in two LaHo-Chi Trainings
  1. Complete the LaHo-Chi Level III De-Cording Training
  1. Obtain a License to do Hands-on-Healing in your State.

         (Ministerial, Massage, Nursing, etc. or contact us for simple instructions.)

9. Schedule and Satisfactorily complete an Evaluation Session with an Authorized LaHo-Chi  Evaluator. All session and paperwork must be turned in ahead of time for review. Once all written work is approved, the evaluation session can be scheduled.

Cost for review of session and paper work and evaluation session is $350.

Once your evaluation session is complete and you have satisfactorily met all requirements, a Practitioner’s Certificate will be mailed to you.



(Requirements #2 – #5 may be done in any order.)

***In lieu of Requirement #6 of the Standard Practitioner Certification Requirements
to assist at two LaHo-Chi Trainings (see page 26)

  1. Complete the LaHo-Chi Level I Foundation Training.
  1. Complete 20 free 75-minute individual foundation sessions with an evaluation
    form for each session.
    *(All session paperwork must be turned in for certification.)
  • The maximum number of sessions per week is 2 with at least 3 days apart between sessions.
  • All 20 sessions must be completed within a 9-month period from the time of this training.
  • An additional 2 sessions per month are required for anyone not complete within the 9-month time period.  
  • When completing your 20 sessions you will need a minimum of 16 different people, 4 of which may receive a session twice.
  • All sessions will be done using the standard hand positions.
  • For the fifth hand position, half out of the 12 sessions will be done using the Heart position and half will be done using the Angel Light Healing.
  • Two of the 20 sessions must be absentee/remote healing sessions.
  • All foundation sessions are to be completed in an individual setting. Group healing sessions and sessions during trainings are not counted as part of your 20 foundation sessions for certification.

**We strongly suggest that you make copies of your sessions and keep them in a file separate from originals! Binders are a good way to store and protect your session notes and evaluation paperwork.

  1. Complete 10 self-healing foundation sessions of 60 minutes each and an
    evaluation form for each.
  • Write self-healing at the top of the evaluation form.
  • During your 10 self-healing sessions, you may use any position or positions that you feel guided to use at that time.
  1. Receive 10 individual sessions of 75 minutes each and
    complete an evaluation form for each.
  • You or the giver can fill out the form, as you would after a regular individual session. (Bring the evaluation form with you to the session.)
  • The maximum number of sessions is 2 per week.
  • The 10 sessions are to be completed as follows (in any order):

            (a) Minimum of 3 sessions from a Certified LaHo-Chi Practitioner;

            (b) Remaining 7 may be from trainees or practitioners;

            (c) Of the remaining 7, 3 may be received by absentee/remote.

  1. Complete the LaHo-Chi Level II Integration Training
  1. Complete the LaHo-Chi Level III De-Cording Training
  1.  Obtain a License to do Hands-on-Healing in your State.

         (Ministerial, Massage, Nursing, etc. or contact us for simple instructions.

8. Schedule and Satisfactorily complete an Evaluation Session with an Authorized LaHo-Chi  Evaluator. All session and paperwork must be turned in ahead of time for review. Once all written work is approved, the evaluation session can be scheduled.

Cost for review of session and paper work and evaluation session is $275.

Once your evaluation session is complete and you have satisfactorily met all requirements, a Practitioner’s Certificate will be mailed to you.

Copyright – LAHO-CHI Institute REV 2013